Composite Bonding
The Fuss-Free Smile-Enhancing Dental Treatment You’ll Love
When talking about cosmetic dental treatments, people often focus on crowns, veneers, straightening, and whitening. But there’s a simple treatment that could fix all your smile issues effortlessly. Composite bonding.
If you’ve got minor cosmetic issues like chips, cracks, gaps, misshapen teeth, or discolouration, composite bonding might be the mini-smile makeover option you need.
The great news about composite bonding is that it’s minimally invasive and quick. You could walk out of our clinic with a brand-new smile in no time.
Science Meets Art
Composite bonding uses a tooth-coloured resin to correct dental defects. We carefully apply the resin to the affected areas of your teeth before artistically sculpting and reshaping your smile. Once we’re done, we’ll leave you with beautiful teeth you’ll be proud to show off.
The entire process of creating your new smile is quick. You can have composite bonding on as many teeth as you need, with perfection taking just minutes for each tooth.
After we’ve sculpted the resin, we’ll harden it using a special light.
Composite Bonding Uses
During your initial assessment, we’ll perform a smile analysis to see whether your composite bonding is the right option for you. You might consider composite bonding if:
- You have imperfections in the texture of your teeth
- Your teeth are discoloured
- Your enamel has eroded
- You have chips and cracks
- You have small gaps between your teeth
The Benefits of Composite Bonding
We’ll seamlessly make the changes in your new smile so that nobody will notice the resin. We ensure each tooth looks completely natural, so you can smile with confidence again.
The noticeable changes composite bonding provides can give your self-esteem a boost. Because the changes are instantaneous, you’ll start feeling great about smiling again right away.
There are no drills, tools, or anaesthetics involved in composite bonding. Just resin and a curing light. Because of this, there’s no downtime or recovery discomfort.
Composite bonding is quick. There’s no waiting around while prosthetics are made, we can just apply the resin and reshape your teeth right away. Depending on the extent of the changes we’re addressing, your treatment may take as little as an hour.
Where composite bonding is used to repair chips and cracks, it protects the tooth from potential decay. Defects in the surface of the tooth create entry points for bacteria. Composite resin blocks these entrances and preserves your oral health.
Composite Bonding
at Galgorm Dental
At Galgorm Dental, we’ve restored countless smiles using composite bonding. This quick and effective treatment can really make a difference in the quality of your dental health and your confidence.
Get in touch to arrange your composite bonding consultation today.